If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, has been sexually assaulted, stalked or sex-trafficked, the Women’s Freedom Center is here to help. We help all survivors of this violence and all services are free and confidential.
Emergency Numbers
If you need immediate help and your safety is at risk, call 911. If you are in need of crisis support and want to speak to an advocate, call us on our 24-hour hotline at 802-254-6954 in Windham or 802-885-2050 in Southern Windsor. We are available 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Interpreter services available 24 hours a day at no cost to LEP survivors through hotline numbers.
Safety Planning
An advocate can work with you on setting up a personalized safety plan. We can help you identify your best options and link you with local community resources.
Hospital support
WFC advocates offer support and advocacy for survivors if they decide to go seek medical attention after being physically and/or sexually assaulted. Advocates will meet a survivor at the hospital any time. Transportation to the hospital can be also provided if needed.
To find out more info on why you may choose to go to the hospital and what you can expect click here.